La “izquierda” ya no sabe qué es un Estado

No pensaba escribir más sobre España porque lo esencial ya está dicho, y no por mí; pero acabo de encontrar una entrevista a Pablo Iglesias --el líder de la "neo-izquierda"- que ayuda a aclarar todavía más lo que está pasando. Y es que a todos los aspectos de la confusión ideológica que ahora reina en … Continue reading La “izquierda” ya no sabe qué es un Estado

The Modern State as Concrete Universal

Public debate becomes impossible in the Twilight of the State. Diverse political and ideological currents – critical of the failings of modern State--, directly demand the erasure of the separation of powers, the political utilization of justice and the privilege of politics over law. The functional separation of economy, religion, law, and politics not only … Continue reading The Modern State as Concrete Universal

The Techno-Centric "blind spot" and the Next Level of Intermediation

Too frequently  technology assumes either Identity is not a problem or Identity data issues won't be ever addressed by organisations. The #identity technology market is small, innovation is very limited too, and speaking of data control few companies really "get it." Very few vendors understand the difference between managing and auditing Identity data and controlling … Continue reading The Techno-Centric "blind spot" and the Next Level of Intermediation