The “Primary” Identity Management Taxonomy

Here is another small but hopefully relevant contribution to the Information Security and Identity Management professions. This time I present a root taxonomy, a set of definitions supporting our thinking. Here I suggest that, instead of using arbitrary "classifications" based on technologies. brands and marketing, we rely on clear categories arising from what we actually … Continue reading The “Primary” Identity Management Taxonomy

Reading “Identity and Capitalism” by Marie Moran (2) (v.02)

This is the second and final part of my comments after reading Marie Moran’s book “Identity and Capitalism” (2015). (v.2 small typos corrected) Before continuing it is necessary to emphasise that, precisely because the notion of Identity is contingent and historical, and because it has specific new content since the second half of the past … Continue reading Reading “Identity and Capitalism” by Marie Moran (2) (v.02)